I’m Pam Hoffman, Space Entrepreneur. While I realize that ‘it’s all space’ I help pioneer pathways from our home planet Earth to other places in our galactic neighborhood, including travel to the stars.
My ultimate goal: The Pleiades Star Cluster
I did a LOT (over 600 hours) of what I call ‘basic research’ to discover my purpose in life. I used the book “What Color Is Your Parachute?”
and I got through many, many of the exercises and so, learned my highest, strongest, most favorite skills; yet I never came away with a plan.
I did after reading ‘Wishcraft.’
My first move was to put aerospace in my life, every day, all day. This I achieved in two months back in 1991 by way of a flowchart which I learned to build with the help of “Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want”
by Barbara Cher with Annie Gottlieb. It took me another two months to realize that I’d done it. The impact was intense as I learned ‘I can do anything’ and empowering. This iteration took me through my 5 year stint at Boeing, Huntington Beach, Delta Program as a Technical Analyst. It was the best job I’ve ever had and I’ve had 46 jobs since my paper route at 15 in 1977. I’ve spent many years in between without a job as well. In some of those big gaps, the most important thing I did was raised my daughter.
The job at Boeing ended in May 2002. I spent a year ‘job hunting’ turning up a few odd jobs driving. I was convinced that after 5 years at Boeing, I had so much more to offer than when I started. The regular jobs I could find were paying too low. What I didn’t know then was that things had changed in the United States. [see graph below]

From Jobenomics; book below.
May 2003 came around and I was despondent and I wasn’t sure why. Oh, I know, one year from my layoff and nothing! I started looking into building a business.
I found a book by Robert Allen in the library and started reading it. I was so excited by the idea of ‘passive residual income’ – a job is a single point failure! Even if there is more than one of them bringing income into your household.
That book led us (my boyfriend and I) on quite the wild ride! We attended many, many live seminars – most of them by Robert Allen. There were others though.
Jeff, my boyfriend, bought 5 fourplexes in Las Vegas, Nevada. They carried us for awhile. I was uncomfortable investing in Real Estate so I turned to a different type of ‘Real Estate’ – the online kind, or Virtual Real Estate (VRE).
I’m pretty geeky, I have a 2 year degree in Electronics Engineering Technology (I was trained to design computers), and that seemed to be a better choice for me. I immersed myself in Internet Marketing in February of 2oo7.
I’m very good at ‘analysis paralysis’ so I decided to unlearn that. I started to learn about this online stuff and the first time I heard people ‘wondering’ about something, I started a blog to help them find out. I built http://seminarlist.blogspot.com/
It was my first. I knew nothing about them. I did know about databases and it was a good thing because I quickly realized that I had to create one. I listed every LIVE! Internet Marketing Seminar in the world. There were many. Maintaining the database alone was pretty much a full time job. I monetized the site in a number of ways. I developed affiliates with all the IM Seminars I could. I rented out ad space. I offered free things intended to lead to sales that would earn me a commission.
I got my first income from that site: $1,000, exactly one year after I started the blog. I worked hard that first year. I remember many 18 hour days (still not as long as my days were when I was a single mom tough!). I had time. I absorbed everything I could on Marketing and Internet Marketing. That blog was following a dying market – I didn’t know at the time – and is dormant today.
Some Internet Marketing advice: DON’T KILL YOUR ONLINE PROPERTIES without a damn good reason (I actually don’t know a single one yet). I can always resurrect that blog for any reason. It’s all there still. Not all of the seminars are. Some stopped and I actually ruined my database by accident. That kind of took the wind out of my sails. It was toward the end though and I was feeling pretty burnt out.
I may have strayed from my path a bit though I did have a flow chart incorporating all this into it. This thought has been cycling through my head lately:
“When I was broke and deep in debt and about to declare bankruptcy, I asked myself what I’d want to do with my life if I knew for certain that I’d always be broke.” ~Steve Pavlina
My answer: Space Stuff
So it’s time to get back to that. I’ve sure learned a lot and I can use it going forward. I’ll be layering on anything new that happens and I’ll probably test these things for myself or my clients I still maintain.
I have a lot of interesting new ideas too so we’ll see what works out.
And my story is still going…